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A comprehensive report by Goldman Sachs found one type of college more than any other lives up to the promise of social mobility: historically Black colleges and universities.

HBCUs deliver on American Dream! Facts!

The report, released last month, found that HBCUs help students from low-income families move into higher incomes at about twice the rate of other colleges and universities. The upward class mobility at HBCUs is even more notable considering HBCUs are less than 3% of colleges in the U.S. but account for 13% of bachelor’s degrees earned by Black students, and 20% of Black STEM graduates.

HBCUs also do a better job than other universities of recruiting, admitting, and ultimately educating first-generation college students—who comprise a staggering 45% of the student body at four-year HBCUs, according to the report. #hbcu ##GUNAA #gramblingalumni #gramblingstateuniversity



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